
Rack Awareness


Hadoop is a distributed system, so its core services1 have to know the network topology — in short where data nodes reside in the data center — either to ensure reliability (try to write replicas of a block at different location for fault tolerance) and performance (try2 to read the closest blocks). HDFS (the NameNode) uses this information during its writing process in order to choose the destination of each block replica3. To find the good tradeoff between reliability and performance it tries to use this kind of strategy:

  1. The first replica is written on the same node as the client
  2. The second replica is written on a different rack (off-rack)
  3. The third replica is written on the same rack as the second but on a different node

Then it uses this information to maximise the performance during read phases by trying to read the closest blocks. YARN (the Resource Manager) uses this information to maximise performance. It tries to limit data transfer (answer to locality constraint) by computing data on a node hosting a replica or on a node close to a node hosting the replica — i.e. on the same rack.

We talk about awareness of network topology and distance between nodes, but how do Hadoop components know or compute this distance? The simplest solution is often the best. The network is represented as a tree. The distance between two nodes is the sum of their distance to their closest common ancestor (0 when they are on the same node)4. Levels are not defined — this means that the algorithm is agnostic — but the convention is to use the rack as depicted below (a data center level can be used but usually a cluster nodes reside on the same data center)

|-- Rack 1
|   |-- Node 1
|   |-- Node 2
|-- Rack 2
|   |-- Node 3
  • Same node: distance = 0
  • Same rack (node 1 & 2): distance = 2
  • Different rack in the same data center (node 1 & 3): distance = 4

This information is obtained either by an external script or java class5. Ambari can also take care of this. The administrator has just to define the rack ID of each node and Ambari generates and deploy the corresponding configuration — once done it is also possible to browse a heatmap by rack ID6.

  1. Core services are the file system HDFS and the resources (CPU and memory) manager YARN. ↩︎

  2. I often use the verb “try” because finding the best tradeoff is not always possible according to other constraints like nodes too full or too busy. ↩︎

  3. The typical replication factor is 3 meaning that for each logical block, 3 blocks are written on the Cluster ↩︎

  4. Tom White, Hadoop: The Definitive Guide (O’Reilly, 2009) ↩︎

  5. Apache Hadoop Rack Awareness ↩︎

  6. [HDP Rack Awareness] (↩︎